Hi! My name is Dave Fallon. I am a photographer and painter who celebrates the human form while also challenging destructive narratives about beauty, gender identity and race. I believe beauty is all around us. In my art I show people that.
I work primarily in black and white photography and abstract painting. I use my camera to capture a moment, I use my brush to explore the mysteries of the moment. I also experience Synesthesia, a neurological phenomenon that allows me to hear music in color. When I paint, I use my synesthetic experiences to create my color palettes.
My art reflects my life experiences. My struggles and successes, and everything in between. Whether making art or living life, my mantra is ‘trust in the process’. Life is a process; the only constant is change. Art is a way for me to affect positive change. That gives me hope, and that is why I make art.
Photo and website links: